We are delighted to announce that, the annual Mentorship and Volunteerism Excellence Awards (MVEAwards) has officially opened nominations for Mentors and Volunteers who have excelled in their Service.

This personalities are individuals who exemplifies volunteerism and mentorship, whose commitment to bringing hope, promise and opportunity into the lives of others and has left a lasting positive impact on a person, group, community and country at large.

The call for nominations for the 5th edition of the prestigious MVE Awards illuminating the path of trailblazers and pathfinders, promises to enkindle the zeal for volunteer-mentoring in Ghana and beyond.

The deadline for submitting nominations is Tuesday, 2nd may, 2024. The finalists will be announced in the week commencing May 20th, and the voting for the winners will commence from the same week.

The awards is the final event lined up for the National Mentoring Day celebration, the Day, 18th July every year, celebrates mentoring with a key focus on recognizing excellence and raising awareness on the significant benefits of mentoring to encourage more people to get involved in mentoring.

This day is also chosen to commemorate and celebrate the Values and Legacy of Nelson Mandela.  As a trans-generational leader, this day is celebrated across Africa and the world at large for his great leadership, sacrifice and impact on the lives of many people.


The date of the main MVEAwards event is slated for 3rd august, 2024.

Please click this link to Nominate https://bit.ly/3PykQX0 and www.springfieldevents.net

Listed below are some Awards categories along with a short explanation.

  1. Excellence in Community Service

This award honors individuals who are committed to volunteering for a positive impact in their community and beyond.

  1. Rising Star Award

This award honors individuals who have demonstrated the highest level of excellence at the very start of their career in volunteerism and mentorship.

  1. Student Volunteer of the year

This award honors students who have positively impacted their community or school through

outstanding volunteerism and mentorship.



  1. SDGS 4 Mentor of the year

An individual or organization volunteering to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promotion of lifelong learning opportunities for all.

  1. SDGS 5 Mentor of the year

An individual or organization volunteering to help achieve gender equality and empowering women and girl.

  1. SDGS 6 Mentor of the year

An individual or organization volunteering to ensure availability and sustainable management of clean water and sanitation for all.

  1. SDGS 8 Mentor of the year

An individual or organization volunteering/mentoring to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

  1. Excellence in Entrepreneurship Mentoring

This award honor individuals or organizations that are committed to mentoring and empowering of entrepreneurs from ideation through growth and scale.

  1. Excellence in Fundraising Award

Honors individuals or organizations who through their voluntary efforts raised funds for humanitarian purposes, set new benchmarks for innovation, dedication and excellence.

  1.  Mentorship Excellence in Sports and Athletics

This award honors individuals who through their volunteering efforts, empower others through mentoring and leadership.


  1. Mentorship Excellence in Personal Finance and Wealth Mgt.

This award honors individuals who through their volunteering effort are committed to lifelong education, advocacy and mentoring for prudent personal finance and wealth management.

  1. Social Entrepreneur of the year

This award honors leaders of social enterprises that have a proven track record of creating social and environmental changes and impact.

  1. Sustainability Warrior of the year

The awards honors an individual whose defensive, or combative actions have defended, protected, or prevented harm to the earth’s biodiversity, eco-systems or natural resources.

  1. Role Model of the year ( Male)

This award honors individuals who inspire and motivate the youth to see new opportunities that exists in the society and in life.

  1. Role Model of the year ( female)

This award honors individuals who inspire and motivate the youth to see new opportunities that exists in the society and in life.

  1. Social Media influencer of the year (M)

This award honors positive influencers who use social media platforms to promote volunteering and mentoring

  1. Social Media influencer of the year (F)

This award honor positive influencers who use social media platforms to promote volunteering and mentoring

  1. Excellence in Teaching Awards

The award honors facilitators/teachers/lecturers who exhibited skills such as good communication, teamwork, problem –solving, organization, time management, critical thinking, and decision making thereby empowering students or learners beyond the curriculum.

  1. Excellence in Music Mentorship Award (male )

This award honors musicians who demonstrate exceptional leadership, skills and ability in intentionally volunteering to mentor one or more growth stage musicians.

  1. Excellence in Music Mentorship Award (female)

This award honors musicians who demonstrate exceptional leadership, skills and ability in intentionally volunteering to mentor one or more growth stage musicians.

  1. Mentorship in Mental Health and Well-being

This award honors individuals and organizations with successful interventions and are committed to the prevention of mental illness, advocacy for mental health and wellbeing

  1. Mentorship for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

This Award honors individuals and organizations who are committed to advocacy and interventions for orphans, street children and other vulnerable children in the society.

  1. Excellence in HIV/AIDS Prevention and Support

The Award honors individuals and organizations with successful interventions and commitment to advocacy and protection of people with HIV/AIDS.

  1. Excellence in Women’s Empowerment

This awards celebrates individuals and organizations that are committed to empowering women in entrepreneurship and industry.

  1. Excellence in Children’s Rights and Protection

This awards honors individuals and organizations that are committed to excellence in education, research and advocacy, child protection, and promotion of right of children.

  1. Youth Volunteer of the Year

This awards honors individuals with outstanding success stories in volunteerism and are age 25 or younger.

  1. Senior Volunteer of the Year

This awards recognizes and rewards outstanding continuing contributions made by senior nationals to their communities, independently or through organizations with which they are associated and are over 60 years old.

  1. Corporate Social Responsibility Award

This award honors organizations with excellence in corporate social responsibility, committed to People, Plant and Prosperity and the achievement of the sustainable development Goals.

  1. Exceptional Volunteer Mentor

This award honors exceptional volunteers who sacrifice their time and resource to mentor individuals, and businesses.