It all started from our desire to make the lives of ambitious students and fresh graduates easier. From studying to excel, to staying up to date with industry requirements and steps for entrepreneurial success – we believe that your dreams are valid.

This initiative was birth to equip and support young talents to chase their burning aspirations, and connect them with avenues for advantage and support to succeed and make lesser mistakes on their journey.

Equipping every student and fresh graduate for professionalism and success in his or her career.




We provide world-class training from industry experts to position you for leverage after school.


We understand that you need a lot of support, ranging from mental wellness, academics to professional and we are a community of people who understand through experience and will be of help.


We connect you with mid to senior level mentors who will show you the ropes in order to stand out in your industry.


We don’t rule out the fun aspect of things, we create both educational, informative and fun content to show the world how spectacular we all are!




Equipping students and graduates with the soft, hard skills and network to stand out on the global space.


  • innovation
  • excellence
  • empathy
  • integrity




  • Connect young talents with a global network
  • Equip students and fresh graduates for success, excellence and innovation.
  • create an avenue for professionals, individuals and organizations to impact young talent in Africa.

Provide all round support – mental wellness, finance literacy, professional empowerment, global collaboration opportunities and fun for young talent.